Sofa or Sofa cum bed, which is better?
It does not matter how lavish your sofa is but how well it fulfills the needs of the home and the people living in it. Nowadays, most people with modern apartments prefer a sofa cum bed rather than a classic sofa due to its functionality and multi-utility features. This rising trend has allowed furniture designers to come up with new sofa cum bed designs that are stylish and comfortable.
The concept of a sofa bed brings greater benefits than a normal sofa. Whether you want to entertain your guests or set up a relaxation spot that is multifunctional and easy to transform, a good sofa comes bed will bring comfort and a welcoming feel to your home. Here are some excellent benefits that you can get if you invest in a sofa cum bed.
Efficient use of space
A sofa cum bed is a perfect solution for homes that lack space. The problem gets worst when friends come over for a night’s stay. The space crunch makes the room look busy. Your sofa cum bed will come to your rescue in such a situation. It is convenient, economical, and multipurpose, and with the right design that complements your interiors, it becomes a visual delight and a comfortable space to gather with your friends.
Some sofa beds also offer you additional space to store your daily items like magazines and newspapers. You can also use it to stock up on things that may be consuming a lot of unnecessary space.
Comfortable spot for a power nap
Slouched over the sofa after a hectic week on a Sunday afternoon calls for a small nap. But, sleeping on the sofa with bent knees only tires your body more due to the uncomfortable position. Instead, if you have the option of transforming your sofa into a bed, you can surely enjoy a comfortable nap.
High in Functionality
Just as the name suggests, a sofa cum bed offers dual functionality of a sofa and a bed. You can choose to go to your room or lie down in its bed form for a good sleep. It is the best place where you can relax and watch your favorite series until the wee hours of the night.
Besides this, a sofa cum bed also offers additional features which a classic sofa lacks. It is easily convertible with deep cushioning and added storage that offers increased functionality. Selecting the best sofa bed designs for your place can be tiring, but MoltyHome has made it easier for you. We have a wide range of sofa bed designs that you can explore at our showrooms or browse your selection online on our website.
A budget-friendly way to style your home
Buying a sofa cum bed is now a style statement for many homes due to its multi-utility features. For a small apartment, getting a bed and sofa separately does not only take up a lot of space but also takes up double your budget. While a sofa cum bed takes up a limited area, offers easy conversion, and is budget-friendly. You get a bed and sofa altogether.
They come in various designs with different functionalities that can make your home the ultimate style icon for your guests. While not taking up much place, they can be easily folded out or backed up as per need. This allows you to have extra space making the room appear clean and tidy.
With all the advantages and style in design that a sofa cum bed offers, it is now a go-to choice for many small to large-scale homes. The extra storage, which accommodates various essentials that may otherwise be cluttered around the room, helps uplift the room’s aesthetics. It is a combination of beauty and functionality wrapped in a budget-friendly pack. You will have the beauty of the product added to your house with the functionalities that come with it.